
Agenda Item 13


Subject:                    Review of the Member Allowances Scheme 2024-2028


Date of meeting:    16 May 2024


Proposer:                 Councillor Fishleigh

Seconder:                Councillor Earthey


Ward(s) affected:   All



Brighton & Hove Independent Group Amendment


That deletions are made as shown with strikethrough below and additional recommendations are added as shown in bold italics below:




2.1      That Council is recommended to adopt a new Members Allowances Scheme for the payment of allowances with effect from the Annual Council Meeting on 16 May 2024 in accordance with the IRP recommendations as set out at Appendix 1;


2.2      That the Chief Executive is authorised to issue the Brighton & Hove Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2024-28 in accordance with the IRP recommendations at Appendix 1 following Council approval;


2.3      That the Monitoring Officer is authorised to amend the Constitution to reflect the new Members Allowances Scheme accordingly;


2.4      That where there are any changes to any role listed as attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance under the Scheme, and the revised role is substantially the same as the previous role in terms of the nature or level of responsibility, the Special Responsibility Allowance shall continue to apply to the new role. This is subject to the Independent Remuneration Panel being consulted and agreeing that it is substantially the same role.


2.5      That full Council note that an early review of the new Scheme will be undertaken and a report brought back to full Council in the first quarter of 2025.


2.1         That Council agrees the principle that there should be no increase in Members Allowances in 2024-2025;


2.2         That officers are requested to review the IRP proposals and to work with Group Leaders to propose a new draft scheme which does not exceed the total cost of the 2023/2024 Scheme(£0.949m);


2.3         That a further report based on the proposal set out in 2.1 above brought back to full Council in July 2024 for approval.


Recommendations to read if carried:




2.1         That Council agrees the principle that there should be no increase in Members Allowances in 2024-2025;


2.2         That officers are requested to review the IRP proposals and to work with Group Leaders to propose a new draft scheme which does not exceed the total cost of the 2023/2024 Scheme(£0.949m);


2.3         That a further report based on the proposal set out in 2.1 above brought back to full Council in July 2024 for approval.